Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blogging Fiend

I am all over the place nowadays.

Friday, I posted some news and stuff at Supernatural Sisters. (Today, Theresa Meyers is a guest blogger there, and you HAVE to see her new book cover. It's DEAN!)

Yesterday I'm posted at The Gab Wagon about keeping out of Number One's college selection process, and how to strike a balance between letting her make her own decision and making sure she does it right.

I don't think I've mentioned that I have joined a new group blog, Everybody Needs a Little Romance. There are some fantastic authors talking about everything under the sun, a slew of book reviews, and now me. :) I blog every other Tuesday, including today, where I discuss how odd it will be not having Number One in the house. Come by and give me your advice. :)

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