Monday, July 21, 2008


I have a new release!

Renegade is totally inspired by Sam and Dean and the Impala and road-tripping and helping people, and it is all about personal fantasy, in the sense that I want to be part of Sam and Dean's world.

Of course, inspiration doesn't mean copying. Jake and Dan are not brothers, they are not demon-hunters, and their relationship is actually pretty simple. The story is less about them than it is about a woman torn between two worthy men. But it's about a lot more than that:

Trex Samuels has lived her life for her best friend, Jake. Her job as an information broker allows her to stay in one place and keep tabs on Jake, who travels the world using his unique gifts to save abducted children. Trex is the closest thing to a home Jake has, and she waits for his infrequent visits that always bring both joy and pain.

Things change, however, when Jake is on the run from the law. This time, he is haunted by his failures, tormented by waking nightmares.

This time, he's brought a partner.

Dan awakens in Trex a new craving, but one that doesn't eliminate the old. When she realizes the men need her, that she has the power to banish their demons--however temporarily--they embark on a journey of sensuality and desperate pleasure. In the end, she not only has the power to heal them, but to set them free.

And only one will come back to her...

Hm. Interesting how I wrote that blurb. One does come back to her, but she has to chase the other one down. The one she really belongs with. Kind of philosophical.

The story includes some dream-sequence menage action, as well as the kind of emotional torment that turns a love scene up a dozen notches. There is also plenty of adventure and a little bit of the paranormal.

You can get a taste of the story on this page, which contains an excerpt of an early scene. I hope you enjoy it!


MJFredrick said...

Wasn't this your Nano book a couple of years ago?

Congratulations on your new release!

Natalie J. Damschroder said...

Wow. Mary. You have an amazingly good memory!

No, actually, that was a full novel that is really very different from this one, and the characters are much different. BUT, the two guys are still inspired by Sam and Dean. Again, nothing like them, really, just similar personalities types. :)

And yes, that book was from two NaNos ago. You amaze me!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new book, Natalie!

MJFredrick said...

I remember reading an excerpt on the Nano website ;)

Weird, since I barely remember my own stories!